Animal Reproduction (AR)
Animal Reproduction (AR)


Volume 6, Issue 4, 2009 October/December

6(4), 2009 October/December


Mechanisms of atresia in ovarian follicles J.J.H. Celestino, R.N. Chaves, M.H.T. Matos, M.V.A. Saraiva J.R.V. Silva, J.B. Bruno, J.E. Maia-Júnior, J.R. Figueiredo

Original Article

Aqueous stem-bark extract of Ficus sycomorus increases sperm production and pH of sperm microenvironment in growing albino rat N.A. Igbokwe,*, U.K. Sandabe, S. Sanni, B. Wampana, I.M. Wiam, I.O. Igbokwe
1D mapping of seminal plasma proteins in Anglo-Nubian goats A.V.C. Teixeira, A.M.X. Eloy, J.R. Furtado, R.R. Pinheiro, M.S. Pontes
Effect of post-thaw incubation on semen characteristics of ram spermatozoa cryopreserved under controlled and uncontrolled rate of cooling D. Kumar, A. Joshi, S.M.K. Naqvi
Sexual and social behaviors of pony stallions and mares A.K. Tarouco, C.C. Freitas, A.P. Neves, R.M. Gregory, R.C. Mattos

Short Communication

MUC1 VNTR polymorphism is not associated with early puberty in Nelore cattle (Bos primigenius indicus) F.R.P. Souza, A.A. Boligon, F. Baldi, M.E.Z. Mercadante, R.A. Vila, M.A.V. Galerani, R.B. Lôbo, L.R. Martelli


Author Index
List of Reviewers that kindly contributed with Animal Reproduction on 2009
Instructions to authors
Meeting Announcement
Editorial Board and Journal Information

Anim Reprod

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